Graduatoria Graduatoria ufficiale Scarica il PDF A seguito della chiusura della prima scadenza per la presentazione delle proposte, desideriamo informarvi che, a …
Progetto finanziato dal Programma Operativo Complementare (POC Sicilia) 2014-2020 – Asse 1 “Sostenere la competitività e la trasformazione digitale sostenibile, e innovativa” Azione 1.1.1 “Investimenti qualificati per lo sviluppo e il potenziamento della capacità di ricerca e innovazione”. CUP – G69J18001180007
Project amount: € 3.474.188,59 Facility amount: € 2.976.780,06The Data-Highway project aims to increase the competitiveness of businesses in the Tourism and Cultural Heritage sectors in Sicily through the use of Open Data and innovative solutions.
It envisions an infrastructure for the creation, access, sharing, and reuse of Open Data, with digital archives in a secure cloud environment, promoting Open Innovation, Digital Economy, and Knowledge Society.
The platform will be validated in the laboratory and demonstrated in an industrial environment through five predefined use cases and others selected during the project, using advanced technologies such as NGSI-LD, AI e LLM (Large Language Models).
Third and final stage in which Linked Open Data is made accessible.
Linked data is a methodology for publishing and linking structured information on the Web so that it can be easily interpreted and used by other applications and services. They use standard technologies such as NGSI-LD and Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to uniquely identify resources and define relationships among them. The goal of linked data is to create a web of interconnected data, improving accessibility, integration and discovery of information.
The Data-Highway project is implemented by a set of partners including Netsense s.r.l, Elmi s.r.l., Ricca IT s.r.l., Itsyn s.r.l., the National Institute of Nuclear Physics Catania section, and the Science and Technology Park of Sicily s.c.p.a. These partners are collaborating to create a Linked Open Data infrastructure aimed at innovating the tourism and cultural heritage sector in Sicily.
Graduatoria Graduatoria ufficiale Scarica il PDF A seguito della chiusura della prima scadenza per la presentazione delle proposte, desideriamo informarvi che, a …
Registrati su eventbrite per l’evento Link al sito Segui l’evento in diretta Collegati PROGRAMMA DELL’EVENTO: 9:30 Apertura lavori Modera: Chiara Borzì, QdS Antonio Pantò, NetSense …
Bando Data-Highway Scarica il riassunto del bando Scarica il PDF E’ stato pubblicato dal Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico della Sicilia l’Avviso per …
Il progetto Data-Highway ha avuto un ruolo di primo piano durante l’evento I-Cities 2024, la 10° Conferenza Italiana sulle ICT per le …
Project funded by the Complementary Operational Program (POC Sicily) 2014-2020 - Axis 1 “Supporting competitiveness and sustainable, and innovative digital transformation” Action 1.1.1 “Qualified investments for the development and strengthening of research and innovation capacity.” CUP – G69J18001180007
Project amount: € 3.474.188,59
Facility amount: € 2.976.780,06